Community Board 1 Stipulations to be Added to the Liquor license

Some Community Boards, such as Community Board 1, may require Applicants to enter into a Stipulation which Applicant's are required to sign, which refer to music, cover fees, and dancing and CB1 then requests that the SLA include the Stipulation in any Liquor License.

Following are excerpts from the CB1 stipulation form. It seems many applicants sign than not obtain a liquor license.

I, ______________________________, as a qualified representative of ________________________________________, located at ______________________________________________________________, New York, New York, agree to the following stipulations for the applicant’s Method of Operation for their _________________________________ license.


4) I will have: DJs ❑Yes ❑No Live music ❑Yes ❑No Recorded Music ❑Yes ❑No Dancing ❑Yes ❑No

Promoted events ❑Yes ❑No Cover fee events ❑Yes ❑No Scheduled performances ❑Yes ❑No


Community Board 1 requests that the SLA add these stipulations to the license of the above-mentioned applicant. These stipulations and board resolution shall supersede all other documents. Rev. 12/18

Categories: New York State Liquor Authority