March 1, 2024 New York Senate Standing Comittees on Corporations, Authorities & Commissions and Investigations & Government Operations

Public Hearing March 1, 2024: To examine the procedures and practices of the State Liquor Authority, assess recent changes to the Alcoholic Beverage & Control laws, and gather recommendations to improve the efficiency, responsiveness and transparency of the SLA to businesses across the state.

<posted March 12, 2025>

March 1, 2024

Public Hearing: To examine the procedures and practices of the State Liquor Authority, assess recent changes to the Alcoholic Beverage & Control laws, and gather recommendations to improve the efficiency, responsiveness and transparency of the SLA to businesses across the state.

Senate Standing Committee on Corporations, Authorities & Commissions
Chair:   Senator Leroy Comrie
and Senate Standing Committee on Investigations & Government Operations
Chair:   Senator James Skoufis
Senate Labor Committee
Chair: Senator Rebecca Ramos


Transcript March 1 2024 New York State Senate Joint Public Hearing
Categories: Amendments to State Liquor - Alcohol Beverage - Law, Latest Posts, Method of Operation, State Liquor Authority (SLA), Statute-Regulation Language