"In addition, if the venue has a license from the State Liquor Authority and did not originally apply for patron dancing, the venue will need to file a Change Method of Operation Application with the SLA to make patron dancing an approved part of their liquor license...While the requirement to obtain a Cabaret license has been repealed, the underlying requirements that allow for patron dancing were not eliminated. Only the last item in the process, the cabaret license itself, was eliminated. If the nightlife venue was not permitted to have dancing before the cabaret license was repealed, it is likely that it is still not allowed."
Understanding the Cabaret Law Repeal.
In 2019, the Office of Nightlife explained the limitations of the repeal in 2017 of the Cabaret Law and explaining the unchanged regulations by the Zoning Resolution and the New York State Liquor Authority.
See https://www.nyc.gov/assets/mome/pdf/understanding-the-cabaret-law-repeal.pdf.