May 2023 Coalition Position Paper

Gathered here a citations, references to basic documents, and explanations found in the letter summarizing the need for reform of SLA and Community Board processes concerning dancing and music.


In May, 2023 we  sent a memorandum to legislative leaders  and other involved in the amendment of the zoning laws to expand patron dancing and pointing out that only addressing the zoning law without addressing the regulation by the State Liquor Authority “will result in the de facto continuation of a near prohibition on dancing within the City of New York.” Previously, we had sent a letter to certain legislative leaders stating the need to address Community Boards and the State Liquor Authority.

Following are statements made in the letter with links to explanations or citations.

“Changes to the Zoning Resolution”

The Zoning Resolution is the technical term synonymous with the zoning laws of New York City.

“The directive of the Mayor in June 2022 “

Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022. Nightlife-Loving Mayor, Offers Plan to ‘Let the People Dance’ New York Times, June 1, 2022.

The Mayor’s directive followed a 2021 proposed resolution of the City Council  introduced by Keith Powers, urging modification of the zoning law re dancing, but including the self-serving statement: “WHEREAS, the Council did all it could do to legalize dancing and entertainment in eating and drinking establishments when it repealed the Cabaret Law by passing Introduction 1652-A for the year 2017, to repeal the Cabaret Law and legalize dancing and entertainment.” New York City Council 2021 Resolution 1728.

Use Group 6

“Use Group 6 districts” § 32-115 of Zoning Resolution

Use Group 10- Hotels
Prediction that Repeal of Cabaret Law will have little effect

New York City Bar Association committee in 2018 and other comments predicted minimal impact of repeal of Cabaret Law.

Patron Dancing is allowed by the State Liquor Authority in only 278 of the 11,527 NYC on-premises establishment.”

The State Liquor Authority publishes a database of licenses and is discussed herein. These statistics are based on the March 15, 2023 versions after a good faith attempt to decipher the information contained therein.

“State Liquor Authority and Community Boards.”

“Live Music is allowed by zoning in nearly all of the 11,257 on-premises establishments in New York City” Zoning Resolution as to Use  Group 6 states

Method of Operation of the  State Liquor Authority




Categories: Coalition of Musicians and Dancers, Community Boards, Office of Nightlife, State Liquor Authority (SLA)