January 24, 2024: City Planning Commission Public Meeting

Speakers Re Dancing Link to YouTube
Candace Thompson Zachary (5:36:42)  
Jerry Goldman (6:22:18)  
Keith Powers (6:32:50) Link
Vanessa Gibson ( 6:40:19)  
Jeffrey Garcia, Executive Director of The Office of Nightlife (6:50:07) Link
Mark McNulty (sic)(7:11:03)  
Greg Miller (8:51:15)   
Sandra Jaquez, New York State Latino Restaurant Bar and Lounge Association (9:08:44)  
Michelle Joanie (9:19:32)  
Matt Waskiewicz, City of Yes DCP Project Manager  (2:55:43) Proposal  9 at 3:00:56. Link 


January 24, 2024: City Planning Commission Public Meeting


UnEdited Automatic YouTube Transcript


Categories: Department of City Planning, Zoning Reform - City of Yes