The Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New York City's nightlife industry and community to all City agencies and was established in 2017 when the Cabaret Law was repealed.
Updated January 3, 2024:
On November 17, 2023, Mayor Adams moved the Office of Nightlife to New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and appointed Jefrrey Garcia Jerfrey Garcia as its new Executive Director. Press Release.
On December 28, 2023, Mayor Adams moved the functions of M.A.R.C.H. to the newly moved Office of Nightlife in the Department of Small Business Services. Jeffrey Garcia announced the launch of “Coordinating a United Resolution with Establishments” (CURE) – a new process for NYPD, SBS, and ONL to improve public safety responses to nightlife establishments and more equitably engage with nightlife business owners. “The new CURE process replaces the NYPD’s “Multi-Agency Response to Community Hotspots” (MARCH).” The press release states ” Furthermore, agencies that have previously participated in MARCH operations, such as the FDNY, DOB, DOHMH, DEP, and SLA will continue to maintain their regular independent inspection processes to maintain compliance and ensure safety.” Previously, SLA was part of M.A.R.C.H. Press Release.
The Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New York City’s nightlife industry and community to all City agencies. This Office’s purpose is to help establish and coordinate systemic solutions to support the nighttime economy, culture, and quality of life.
The Office was created in conjunction with the 2017 repeal of the Cabaret Law. Local Law 178.
In 2021 the Office released it major report of its activities, with recommendations.