[Edited January 25, 2025] Two relatively recent New York County Supreme Court decisions uphold SLA approvals of liquor licenses over the objection of local residents. One decision (Senter) upholds dancing and live music over the objections of a local community group and involved a stipulation. The Community Board had “forced” the establishment to enter into… Continue reading Recent Court Decisions Upholding Liquor Licenses – Senter and Eldridge
Document Category: Latest Posts
The New York State Liquor Authority
The New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.
Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163
[Concerning the special permit BSA nightmare for the Red Rooster in Harlem, See http://dance-music-regulation.com/document/special-permit-by-bsa-18-years-and-only-one-social-dancing-special-permit/] Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163 November 2023. Commented [Z20]: The Proposal maintains the current requirements for these specified uses, though the locational and design requirements for eating or drinking establishments in some C6 districts would be extended to… Continue reading Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163
Selected Pages From Proposed Zoning Text November 2023
On November 3, 2023, The Department of City Planning released the proposed text of the zoning amendment. “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity” Amendment Enters Public Review with annotations provided by DCP. The 1127 page 10.8 MB draft text may be found here. DCP documents frequently are locked and are not searchable. We have prepared… Continue reading Selected Pages From Proposed Zoning Text November 2023
M.A.R.C.H. Abolished, Creates CURE, and moved from Mayor’s Office to the ONL Under the Department of Small Business Services
On December 28, 2023, Mayor Adams moved the functions of M.A.R.C.H. to the newly moved Office of Nightlife in the Department of Small Business Services. Jeffrey Garcia announced the launch of “Coordinating a United Resolution with Establishments” (CURE) – a new process for NYPD, SBS, and ONL to improve public safety responses to nightlife establishments… Continue reading M.A.R.C.H. Abolished, Creates CURE, and moved from Mayor’s Office to the ONL Under the Department of Small Business Services
DCP Proposal 8 For Common Sense Regulation of Dancing and Music
The Mayor has narrowly defined the problem and the need to change zoning regulation of dancing and music. This is a narrow view of the problem. The problem is the need to eliminate the arbitrary regulation of dancing and music, whether by the DCP or any other governmental entity. The most important regulators restricting dancing… Continue reading DCP Proposal 8 For Common Sense Regulation of Dancing and Music
State Liquor Authority – Method of Operations and License Database
The New York State Liquor Authority is the dominant regulator of music and dancing in New York City. Reform of the zoning law will not remove the SLA regulation. Over 1900 liquor licenses in New York City require licensed venues to prohibit dancing; over 9000 license do not allow live music.
Community Boards Ignore Chiasson Decisions Declaring Music Restrictions as Unconstituional
The New York City Community Boards in cooperation with the State Liquor Authority have ignored the decisions of Chiasson I and Chiasson II in in 1986 and 1988, implementing restrictions against live music declared as unconstitutional. Although the City amended its Zoning Resolution in 1990 reflecting the Chiasson decisions, the SLA and Community Boards have acted as a superseding zoning authority overriding the Zoning Resolution.
Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special Permit – Red Rooster
Few establishments have endured the BSA in order to obtain a special permit to allow dancing. One such establishment was the Red Rooster in Harlem, that received a special permit that was so onerous that the establishment was still unable to practically offer dancing in its downstairs space. Attached is a 602 page file of… Continue reading Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special Permit – Red Rooster
Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music Regulation
Metrics and Factors This article provides an overview of numeric metrics and other factors used to regulate music and dancing. This following is not inclusive and provides only examples of the use of the metric or factor. It is necessary to review the numerous provisions of the Zoning Resolution as marked in the excerpt Zoning… Continue reading Metrics and Factors Used in Dance and Music Regulation