Amendments to State Liquor Authority Laws

[This memo is in process. version 1 – Jan. 16, 2024] In 2024, certain amendments were made  to New York’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Law (which governs the operation of the State Liquor Authority. According to the SLA, one of the changes was: Community Notification – Allows applicants to simultaneously apply for a license and notify… Continue reading Amendments to State Liquor Authority Laws

Recent Court Decisions Upholding Liquor Licenses – Senter and Eldridge

[Last Edited January 16, 2025] Two relatively recent New York County Supreme Court decisions uphold SLA approvals of liquor licenses over the objection of local residents. One decision (Senter) upholds dancing and live music over the objections of a local community group and involved a stipulation.  The Community Board had  “forced” the establishment to enter… Continue reading Recent Court Decisions Upholding Liquor Licenses – Senter and Eldridge

The New York State Liquor Authority

The New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.

The New York State Liquor Authority – Method of Operation

The New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.