The New York State Liquor Authority

The New York State Liquor Authority has acted as the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.

M.A.R.C.H. Abolished, Creates CURE, and moved from Mayor’s Office to the ONL Under the Department of Small Business Services

On December 28, 2023,  Mayor Adams moved the functions of M.A.R.C.H. to the newly moved Office of Nightlife in the Department of Small Business Services.  Jeffrey Garcia announced the launch of “Coordinating a United Resolution with Establishments” (CURE) – a new process for NYPD, SBS, and ONL to improve public safety responses to nightlife establishments… Continue reading M.A.R.C.H. Abolished, Creates CURE, and moved from Mayor’s Office to the ONL Under the Department of Small Business Services

The New York State Liquor Authority – Method of Operation

The New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.

M.A.R.C.H. Sugarman Comments to City Council February 18, 2019

Alan Sugarman provided post hearing Comment to the New York City Council in  connection with a proposed bill to regulate M.A.R.C.H., after Sugarman testimony to City Council Committee. Sugarman questioned whether M.A.R.C.H. should even exits and detailed a number of improvements to strengthen the bill, which was enacted as Local Law 220 of 2019.