On December 28, 2023, Mayor Adams moved the functions of M.A.R.C.H. to the newly moved Office of Nightlife in the Department of Small Business Services. Jeffrey Garcia announced the launch of “Coordinating a United Resolution with Establishments” (CURE) – a new process for NYPD, SBS, and ONL to improve public safety responses to nightlife establishments… Continue reading M.A.R.C.H. Abolished, Creates CURE, and moved from Mayor’s Office to the ONL Under the Department of Small Business Services
Document Category: Office of Nightlife
Office of Nightlife Moved to Department of Small Business
On November 17, 2023, Mayor Adams moved the Office of Nightlife to New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and appointed Jefrrey Garcia as its new Executive Director.
May 2023 Coalition Position Paper
Gathered here a citations, references to basic documents, and explanations found in the letter summarizing the need for reform of SLA and Community Board processes concerning dancing and music.
SLA States that Method of Operation Must Include Statement Allowing Dancing
Whenever a Community Board objects to a License Application, for example, to restrict dancing or live music, the SLA’s practices is to require approval by the SLA Board, thereby pressuring license applicants to agrees to excessive and even unconstitutional requirements of Community Boards.
Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 Report
The complete 160 page report may be downloaded at this link and is described at this ONL page. Comments: Excerpts relating to dancing and music are below. The Report, issued 3.5 years after the establishment of ONL and the repeal of the Cabaret Law, avoids specific recommendations at to changes to the zoning resolution. No… Continue reading Office of Nightlife (ONL) June 2021 Report
Nightlife Advisory Board Report Summer 2021
In the Summer of 2021, the Nightlife Advisory Board issued its primary report, but opted to offer no specific recommendations as to revision of the zoning related to dancing, no position on the practice of prohibiting cover charges for live music in Use Group 6, and no mention of the overreaching regulation by the State Liquor Authority in collaboration with Community Boards.
Office of Nightlife
The Office of Nightlife, at the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, is a liaison for New York City’s nightlife industry and community to all City agencies and was established in 2017 when the Cabaret Law was repealed.
Local Law 178 – 2017 Establishing Office of NIghtlife and Advisory Board
Local Law 178 was adopted in 2017 in conjunction with the repeal of the Cabaret Law, and established an Office of Nightlife within the office of the mayor or other agency. The law also created a nightlife advisory body.
“Cabaret Law Repeal lets New York City Dance – as long as you’re zoned for it” – news article 11/29/2017
Journalist Derek Evers wrote this article at the time the Cabaret Law was repealed in November 2017 – pointing out the relative meaningless of the repeal, the dancing ban in many districts under the Zoning Resolution, and the dancing restrictions imposed by the State Liquor Authority. The accompanying photo shows City politicians patting backs on the repeal, which was followed by five years of failure to address the real issues.
Sugarman Presentation to Nightlife Advisory Board V. 3
Concurrent with repeal of the Cabaret Law, the City Council established a new Nightlife Office and provided for a Nightlife Advisory Board. The board held hearings. On March 13, 2019 Alan Sugarman presented a comprehensive PowerPoint, shown here in a post-hearing edited version.