The New York State Liquor Authority – Method of Operation

The New York State Liquor Authority has acted the major regulator of dancing in venues offering alcohol using a scheme that Liquor Licenses and a venues Method of Operation must show whether the venue is offering patron dancing and collaborates with Community Boards to restrict dancing and live music. The SLA collaborates with Community Boards in its enforcement.

Comment to CityLand Article Rezoning and Remnants of Cabaret Law of June, 2022

Alan D. Sugarman submitted this comment in response to an oversimplified article appearing in CityLand. The article ignores abusive regulation of dancing and music by the State Liquor Authority, with Community Boards, requiring licensees to comply with an approved Method of Operation, which regulation will persist even with changes to the Zoning Resolution … unconstitutional demands as to type of music and other issues.