January 24, 2024: City Planning Commission Public Meeting

Speakers Re Dancing Link to YouTube Candace Thompson Zachary (5:36:42)   Jerry Goldman (6:22:18)   Keith Powers (6:32:50) Link Vanessa Gibson ( 6:40:19)   Jeffrey Garcia, Executive Director of The Office of Nightlife (6:50:07) Link Mark McNulty (sic)(7:11:03)   Greg Miller (8:51:15)    Sandra Jaquez, New York State Latino Restaurant Bar and Lounge Association (9:08:44)… Continue reading January 24, 2024: City Planning Commission Public Meeting

Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163

[Concerning the special permit BSA nightmare for the Red Rooster in Harlem, See http://dance-music-regulation.com/document/special-permit-by-bsa-18-years-and-only-one-social-dancing-special-permit/] Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163 November  2023. Commented [Z20]: The Proposal maintains the current requirements for these specified uses, though the locational and design requirements for eating or drinking establishments in some C6 districts would be extended to… Continue reading Proposed Zoning Text BSA Special Permits 32-163 p-163

Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special Permit – Red Rooster

Few establishments have endured the BSA in order to obtain a special permit to allow dancing. One such establishment was the Red Rooster in Harlem, that received a special permit that was so onerous that the establishment was still unable to practically offer dancing in its downstairs space. Attached is a 602 page file of… Continue reading Special Permits by BSA – 18 Years and Only One Social Dancing Special Permit – Red Rooster